This special edition of the African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research mainly contains the papers that were presented during the 4th SPU Annual International Research Conference (SPUAIRC) that was held at St. Paul’s University, Main Campus, Limuru on 23rd to 25th October 2024. The theme of the conference was: Leveraging research, technology and innovation in the new economy for sustainable development. The articles contained in this edition are drawn from various disciplines as the conference had a diverse range of subthemes. Hence the research papers have delved into contemporary topics based on broader research areas such as digitalization and development across socio-economic, religious and political spheres in a contemporary world; the digital economy and business environment; the digital economy and fintech, re-imagining the role of the media in the 21stcentury; business incubation, green entrepreneurship; building resilient small and medium enterprises, future of work and human resource management strategies, ethical transformative leadership and good governance sustainable development; climate change, Innovation, AI and higher education, worldviews, diversity, equity and inclusivity in higher education among other areas.
Current Issue
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2025): Special Issue - African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research (AMJR)