African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research 2025-03-28T11:29:20+00:00 Dr. Chongombe Djongana Open Journal Systems Sexist Language against Female Passengers by Matatu Crew: A Case of the Kawangware-Nairobi Route 46 2025-03-27T11:17:51+00:00 Ameda Wekesa <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze Sexist Language used by the Matatu crew against female passengers on the Kenyan public transport system popularly known as Matatu. Although several studies have been done on language and gender, little has been explored on the sexist language used by the Matatu crew. Sexism includes both genders in terms of discrimination, but in the real sense, women are always the most vulnerable to sexism. A language is a social tool, and a speaker may deliberately and consciously use language that reflects their attitude to their listener or reader in this case women folk. This study sought to analyze sexist language as a tool used by the matatu crew to women in Matatus plying route 46 Kawangware of Nairobi County. The study intended to achieve three objectives that focused on the words used by Matatu Crew and the response of the female gender on how it affects them psychologically and emotionally. This was achieved using Grice's theory of implicature (1975) and Speech Act Theory advanced by Austin (1962). Combining the two theories allowed the researcher to examine the implicature and indirect speech attacks to avoid misinterpretations. Speech act theory was undertaken in comprehension of public rules to produce meaningful assertion of sexist words used and why they are viewed as going against required ethical standards, in contrast Grice theory will handle the perlocutionary aspect of total speech act addressing the psychological effect of such words on the female gender. The result of the study will be used to sensitize people in general and the Matatu industry in particular to the current portrayal and its implications on female passengers in Matatus.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Addressing Enrollment Challenges: Exploring Obstacles and Strategies to Improve Inclusivity for Students with Disabilities in Kenya's Private Higher Education 2025-03-27T11:24:06+00:00 Annerose Wanjiku Wang’ang’a <p><em>Despite the presence of policies supporting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Kenyan learning institutions, including the Sector Policy for Learners and Trainees with Disabilities (2018), the Kenyan Constitution (2010), the Disability Act (2003), Ominde Report (1964) among others and Kenya's status as a signatory to international conventions; the enrollment of students with disabilities in private higher education institutions in Kenya remains low hindering their inclusivity. Despite the efforts to attain inclusive education, it is still estimated that 258 million children, adolescents and young people do not enter the school system which represents 17% of the world’s population. Specifically, in higher education the percentage is even higher, reaching approximately 60% of people that do not enter that educational level. Therefore, the gross average world enrollment rate reached only 38% in 2018. Furthermore, wide differences were observed between low-income countries with a 9% enrollment, as compared to high-income countries, where 75% was attained. According to the Commission of University Education Statistics 2017-2018, the reported number of students with disabilities in Public and Private Universities reduced by 10% from 881 in 2016 to 793 in 2017. Most of these learners were admitted to government Universities (681) representing 85.9% of the total admitted in comparison to Private Universities (112) representing 14.1%. This article explores the factors contributing to this low enrollment gap hindering inclusivity and proposes strategies to improve the implementation of inclusive policies. Through an extensive literature review, the article identified barriers hindering the effective implementation of inclusive education policies. By emphasizing the importance of adhering to these laws, the study sought to provide insights that can inspire private universities to take decisive actions to improve inclusive education, thus boosting the enrollment and academic success of learners with disabilities in private universities in Kenya.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Impact of Social Media in Shaping Kenya’s Politics: Gen Z Uprising and the Rejection of the Finance Bill 2024 2025-03-27T11:30:06+00:00 Brian Collins Ingutia <p><em>The rejection of the Finance Bill 2024 by Kenya’s Gen Z population highlights the growing influence of digital communication, particularly social media, on the country’s political landscape. Similar to other global youth-led movements, Kenya’s Gen Z has utilized platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook to organize protests, voice opposition, and mobilize collective action. Social media has become an essential tool for political engagement, empowering younger generations to influence government policies and actively participate in the political process. This study examines the impact of social media on Kenya’s political landscape, focusing on the Gen Z uprising and its involvement in rejecting the Finance Bill 2024. The research was framed through Social Movement Theory (SMT), which provides insight into how digital platforms can facilitate political mobilization. Using a descriptive research design, this study analyzed secondary data from a sample of social media posts and online content related to the protests. A comparison was also made with youth-led movements in other countries such as Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, Uganda, Nigeria, and Bangladesh, where social media played a crucial role in shaping political outcomes The findings of this study revealed that social media fosters civic engagement among Gen Z and act as a catalyst for political change, contributing to the reshaping of governance in the digital age. This study sheds light on the broader implications of social media-fueled activism for Kenya’s political system and global democratic movements led by younger generations.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Effect of Information Disclosures on the Performance of Public Hospitals in Embu County, Kenya 2025-03-27T11:36:33+00:00 Christopher J Mutuiri Kinyua <p><em>Around the world, public hospitals perform better when information disclosures are in place. In Embu County, Kenya, public hospital performance was examined to see how information disclosure affects it. The study aimed to examine the effects of information disclosures on the performance of public hospitals in Embu County. Utilising operational efficiency and the level of satisfaction among healthcare workers and clients, public hospitals' performance was evaluated. The Diffusion of Innovation Theory was used to establish the theoretical framework for information disclosure and performance. The study had a target population of 350 consisting of 200 clients and 150 healthcare workers. The sample population was 140 comprising of 42.8%healthcare workers on duty that week and 57.2% of clients/patients admitted for at least two days in selected public hospitals. The distribution of healthcare workers is composed of 2.9% public hospital administrators, 2.9% clinical officers-in-charge, 2.9% nurse-in-charge, 17.1% ordinary nurses, and 17.1% ordinary clinical officers. Utilizing the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24.0, descriptive statistics were used to evaluate quantitative data. The results of the descriptive statistics were presented as mean scores, frequencies, and percentages.MS Excel was used to draw graphs and charts. The major findings showed that 65% of healthcare workers agreed that HFCMs (Health Facility Committee Members) provided timely information disclosures to managers, administrators, clinical officers, and nurses. Further, 66.7% of healthcare workers were adequately satisfied that public hospital’s communication channels were effective. The study recommends that public hospitals should consider implementing more accessible, transparent, and reliable communication channels that foster both client and employee satisfaction; formulation of a policy that mandates standardized intervals for disclosures to relevant healthcare workers; HFMCs should seek to enhance the accuracy of the information shared with both healthcare workers and clients; and public hospitals should conduct regular audits of their information systems to ensure equal accessibility of healthcare services to all stakeholder and the public. In conclusion, this study will contribute to the growing body of information disclosure literature by offering study empirical evidence on the effect of timely, accurate, and well-structured communication on the performance of public hospitals in Kenya and globally. The insights obtained in the study highlight the critical role of effective disclosures in enhancing both client and employee satisfaction, thus fostering operational efficiency and organizational success.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Protest Movements in Kenya: Drivers, Dynamics, and Implications for Foreign Policy 2025-03-27T11:41:41+00:00 Didmus Wekesa Barasa <p><em>Kenya has recently seen a surge in protest movements, primarily fueled by socio-economic grievances tied to the Finance Bill 2024. The bill introduces significant tax reforms, including increases on fuel, housing, and digital services, exacerbating public dissatisfaction amid rising living costs. This study seeks to analyze the underlying drivers of these protests and examine their broader impact on Kenya’s domestic and foreign policies. The study employs a qualitative approach, utilizing primary data from interviews with key protest actors, including Generation Z, civil society organizations, labour unions, and political opposition groups. Secondary data from media reports, policy documents, and academic literature also inform the analysis. The findings highlight that Generation Z has been instrumental in mobilizing through digital platforms, while civil society organizations and labour unions have played critical advocacy roles. Political opposition groups have leveraged the protests to challenge the government. The study further reveals that the institutions. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on protest movements by offering insights into the role of youth activism, digital mobilization, and the intersection of the government's initial response, including symbolic reforms, which failed to appease the public. This has led to increased political instability strained relations with Western donors and international financial domestic discontent with foreign policy. In practice, it provides policymakers with a clearer understanding of the socio-economic triggers behind public unrest and highlights the need for more effective government responses. In terms of policy, the study suggests that Kenya may need to reassess its tax reforms and diplomatic engagements in light of domestic protests.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Factors Associated with Adolescent Mother Return to School: A Review of Literature 2025-03-27T11:45:28+00:00 Eunice Kinya Daniel M. Nzengya <p><em>The status of Adolescent mother education stands as a pivotal concern for sustainable development across the continent. The Sub-Saharan Africa region has disproportionately the highest number of teenage pregnancies but also, the lowest number of teen mothers who return back to school.&nbsp; This further undermines the potential of women to escape from poverty and contribute significantly to economic development and Sustainable Development Goals.&nbsp; This is despite most governments in the Sub-Saharan Africa region having adolescent mothers return to school policy. Using a sample of 28 empirical published peer-reviewed journals, this paper utilizes a systematic review methodology to evaluate factors that influence adolescent mothers returning to school in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. </em><em>Factors identified by a sample of four quantitative papers include single-sex as being more accommodative in terms of re-integration of girls who return to school and family factors as being significant in the participation of teenage mothers who return to school. &nbsp;Additionally, other factors include the role of family, school and community factors in the successful re-enrollment of adolescent mothers to school, and completion rate. This review paper finds that prior qualitative and quantitative research highlights how pervasive poverty influences adolescent mothers returning to school and completion, with sprawling Africa's urban informal settlements and remote rural areas being disproportionately affected. However, there is limited research on the educational resilience of adolescent mothers who braved themselves to return to school, and, successfully completed basic education against the odds. Studies on the resilience of adolescent mothers have the potential to uncover insights on the gaps in the current return-to-school policy and interventions necessary to foster gender equity, equality, and the empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable young women, thereby achieving sustainable development goals.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Influence of New Media Technology on Television Content Production in Selected Television Stations in Kenya 2025-03-27T11:53:02+00:00 Everlyne Nafula Wekesa Hellen Kinoti Mberia Augustus O. Nyakundi <p><em>Technology has permeated the media industry, leading to huge transitions in their operations. Technological advancements have led to a multiplicity of devices,</em><em> ultimately affecting the content development process. </em><em>This paper explores the influence of new media technology on television content production. It was born of a study that aimed at </em><em>exploring ways in which the new media technology has influenced television content development in Kenya. The study was informed by The </em><em>Technological Determinist Theory and the Media Determinism Theory. It was </em><em>conducted in Nairobi County, being the centre of technological innovation in Kenya. The study adopted the descriptive survey design, its</em><em> target population comprised of television content producers, program managers and television audiences. The producers were targeted since they interact with new media technologies daily, managers were targeted since they know the implications of the new media technology on television operations and television audiences were selected since they are more techno-savvy and more exposed to new media technologies compared to other population segments. </em><em>The study employed the quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. Tools for data collected included self-administered questionnaires, </em><em>i</em><em>nterview schedules and focus group discussion guides. </em><em>The findings revealed that </em><em>the most commonly used new media technologies for content production include digital video cameras, F, X, YouTube, Live-U, SI media, zoom app, OB tricasters, skype, and Smartphones among others. The study also revealed that new media technology has made the content-producing process cheaper and more efficient and allowed better output quality. On the flipside, it has led to citizen journalism which has opened doors to fake news and misinformation. </em><em>Since technology has both negative and positive sides, the findings will help the television industry determine the place of new media technology in content development and work towards reinventing itself in order to remain relevant.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Role of Facebook in Promoting Domestic Tourism during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya: A Case Study of Wanderlust Diaries Facebook Page 2025-03-27T11:59:45+00:00 Florence Mathanga Susan Mwangi Iddah Wayumba <p><em>This research explored the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Kenya's tourism industry, with a specific focus on leveraging research, technology, and innovation in the new economy for sustainable development. It critically examined the role of social media, particularly Facebook, in promoting domestic tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The study is centered on the Wanderlust Diaries Facebook page, which has actively encouraged domestic travel in Kenya since April 2020 by providing a platform for individuals to share their experiences and recommendations. By conducting interviews and analyzing posts from the page followers, travel bloggers, and influencers within the group, the research gathered qualitative data to understand Facebook's effectiveness in communicating and promoting domestic tourism amid the pandemic's restrictions. The study's primary objectives were to investigate the significance of Facebook posts in conveying vital domestic tourism information and to analyze how these posts served as a marketing tool during the of Covid 19 Pandemic period challenges in the tourism sector. Guided by Chaffey’s Theory of Social Media Marketing, the research employed a descriptive research design, allowing for the collection of in-depth data through interviews with 30 participants who are engaged followers and members of the Wanderlust Diaries Facebook page. The findings reveal that Facebook posts played a key role in creating awareness about domestic tourism, influencing interest in visiting local parks and attractions, and effectively marketing the tourism sector, even amid lockdowns and travel restrictions. This research underscores the immense potential of social media platforms, particularly Facebook, to promote tourism, providing valuable insights for businesses on how to utilize such platforms for effective marketing purposes. In conclusion, Facebook proved to be a vital tool in sustaining domestic tourism in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the significant value of social media as an effective and efficient marketing tool for the tourism industry in times of crisis.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Unmasking the Outcomes of Social Cash Transfer and Non-Contributory Pensions for Elderly Persons: A Systematic Literature Review 2025-03-27T12:06:00+00:00 Hilary Onyango Oluoch <p><em>The study aimed at investigating on the social protection programmes for the elderly by assessing peer-reviewed articles that covered cash transfers for the elderly in the period. &nbsp;PICOT and PRISMA frameworks were adopted to guide the literature of the articles that were published on cash transfers in the period 2019 to 2024. The findings were that; the studies had no commonalities on research objectives, research designs, research hypothesis, inferential statistical measurements even for similar outcomes. The scope of the studies in Sub-Saharan Africa should be expanded to include other countries. In Southern African countries like Zambia and Malawi, most studies were non-empirical and thus dropped. The utilisation of grey literature to enrich the review would fundamentally improve the discussions and the outcomes. Future studies should attempt to apply other participatory techniques such as ethnography and storytelling to capture the sociological components. It should also be keen to properly target samples of social protection beneficiaries and improving on generalisability.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Influence of Procurement Records Management on Procurement Performance of Nakuru County Government 2025-03-27T12:10:34+00:00 Jacintah Wayua James Mwangi Ezekiel Akwalu <p><em>Procurement performance is an essential function of County Governments in Kenya, as it enables them to acquire the goods, works, and services needed to deliver public services to citizens. However, County Governments including Nakuru County have been facing significant procurement performance challenges. Therefore, the study sought to determine </em><em>the influence of procurement record management on the procurement performance of the Nakuru County Government. </em><em>The study was anchored on the record lifecycle theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The unit of observation was 35 procurement and 47 finance officers working in the 10 county departments in the County Government of Nakuru. The census</em><em> technique was adopted to incorporate all the targeted respondents.</em><em> Primary data was collected using a questionnaire. </em><em>A pilot test was conducted at Kericho County, where 8 questionnaires were issued to the procurement officers. </em><em>The study collected both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed using </em><em>Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. Data collected from the structured questions was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics involved the use of percentages, frequencies, means, and standard deviations. </em><em>Inferential statistics involves the use of correlation analysis and </em><em>multiple regression analyses. Qualitative data from the interview schedules was analyzed using thematic analysis. After analysis</em><em>, quantitative data was presented in the form of tables for easy interpretation, while qualitative data was presented in prose form. </em><em>The study found that procurement record management had a positive and statistically significant effect on public procurement performance in the County Government of Nakuru, Kenya. The study recommended that the County Government should continue and possibly expand pre-tendering practices. Furthermore, the County Government should uphold the multi-criteria approach during tendering, emphasizing value for money and considering factors beyond just the lowest price.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Reducing and Redistributing the Burden of Unpaid Care Work for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa 2025-03-27T14:23:39+00:00 Jonas Musengimana <p><em>Sub-Saharan Africa is mostly affected by political instability, insecurity, and conflict, where the unpaid care burden often intensifies. The purpose of the study was to identify the main causes, consequences and strategies of unpaid care work for development in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study adopted mixed methods research design by combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. The findings of this study reflect the current state of unpaid care work in Sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting the extent to which it affects economic participation, social development, and gender equality. The central contribution of this study is that unpaid care work remains a critical barrier to gender equality and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. The research demonstrated that women disproportionately shoulder the burden of caregiving, limiting their participation in the formal economy. </em><em>To solve the issue of gender inequality, the researcher proposed to use </em><em>theoretical frameworks such as Gender and Development Theory (GAD) which emphasize the need for policy interventions to address gendered social norms that assign caregiving tasks predominantly to women. Though some efforts have been made by public and private institutions, much more needs to be done to reduce and redistribute the care burden. There is a clear call for Government intervention in the form of affordable childcare and elderly care services. New policies and collaboration between the public and private sectors and the Faith-Based and Civil Society Organizations are necessary to address the problem of unpaid care work in this region. </em><em>Encouraging greater male involvement in unpaid care work may also bridge some of the gender disparities over time. </em><em>Faith-Based Organizations and Private Sector should continue to play their pivotal role with the Governments in Sub-Saharan Africa.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 New Media as a Contemporary Tool towards Achieving Sustainable Development in Kenya in the 21st Century 2025-03-27T14:28:20+00:00 Kamau Thegu <p><em>Communication exists to necessitate development. Therefore, in line with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) globally, the sharing of ideas, expression of thoughts and conveying of feedback regarding growth is significantly integral. The SDGs' achievement is realized when communication is utilized in various channels; through for instance Public Relations, Content Creation and New Media. Public Relations (PR) is one strong pillar in communication that guarantees rapid, relevant and necessary feedback. With PR featuring constant transfer of information to the receiver of the information, it can only portray that PR is essential towards wholesome societal development. Content creation as a form of communication depicts innovation worth but not limited to informing and educating the receiver. Content creation furthermore aids the receiver in clearly understanding the issue at hand. Through its incorporation in achieving the SDGs, transformation within the society will be transparent. With the evolution of digitalization in communication, new media has emerged and continues to become demystified with each passing moment. New media mainly through social media platforms has been structured in a way that quick information relay is widely experienced and traditional media forms become synchronized into one. This means that PR as is traditionally, can be designed through content creation and relayed through new media. With this mechanism in place, SDGs are globally and massively realized.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Community Led Conservation Initiatives and Ecological Crisis in Africa: Towards an African Eco Theology 2025-03-27T14:31:55+00:00 Leah Kamore John M. Kiboi <p><em>In as much as climate change complaints and effects are ubiquitous and global, these concerns can be resolved if the community reflects on their own way of life; especially when the doctrine of creation is well understood. This doctrine claims that during creation, God blessed mankind, gave them dominion to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. This teaching is further complicated by the story of the fall of man where Adam and Eve fell into temptation and sin entered the world. This resulted in God’s curses coming into the world, including that the ground was cursed. Based on this position human beings can determine their environment by creating their own initiatives using their God-given abilities of creativity and taking care of the natural world by practicing responsibility. Traditionally, Africans identified with nature by conserving some trees as sacred or naming children and places after natural things like animals and plants. Similarly, in the teachings of Saint Augustine, people discover God through His works of creation or natural theology, and so nature ought to be preserved. In an attempt to solve the ongoing ecological crisis and the anxiety it is causing humanity, steps like using renewable energy, circular economy, and reforestation have been done. However, the proposed methods have not satisfactorily offered a solution to the current ecological crisis, as people are still anxious of its effects. Using the correlation of eschatology by Jurgen Moltmann of hope and the ecological crisis, this article creates an understanding of the creation mandate. It explores the correlation creativity theory of Paul Tillich and the human potential for creativity and proposes a theology of care and ecological stewardship as an African Eco theology as a solution to the ecological crisis.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Creation Care in Genesis 1-2: A Theological Framework for Sustainable Development 2025-03-27T14:39:37+00:00 Levis K. Mathu <p><em>The creation narrative in Genesis 1-2 provides a key theological framework for contemporary sustainable development. The purpose of this study was to explore the theological principles embedded in Genesis 1-2 and their relevance to contemporary sustainable development. The research focused on demonstrating how the biblical themes of stewardship and dominion inform ecological conservation and sustainable resource management, examining their relevance to contemporary environmental ethics, and proposing practical applications for sustainable development. Using a desk review methodology, the study analyzed existing theological and biblical literature to develop a framework for sustainable development rooted in the theology of creation care. Key theological concepts, such as imago Dei, stewardship, and dominion, were evaluated to show how they provide a moral and ethical basis for environmental conservation. The findings revealed that the narrative of dominion in Genesis 1:28, often misinterpreted as a mandate for exploitation, should be understood as a call for responsible stewardship of the earth. The study revealed that humanity’s role as caretakers, outlined in Genesis 2:15, calls for a balance between cultivating and preserving the environment, which is linked to modern sustainability principles. The study also established the interconnectedness of creation as a guiding principle for ecological harmony, drawing attention to the importance of biodiversity and equitable resource distribution. Given the findings, the study concludes that the creation narrative in Genesis 1-2 presents a theological foundation for sustainable development, encouraging faith-based communities to actively engage in environmental conservation. It noted that while the theological interpretation supports sustainable development, practical applications remain limited in theological discourse. The study thus recommends the adoption of creation care principles by religious communities and policymakers to create environmentally responsible behavior. Additionally, future research should explore empirical applications of theological frameworks in environmental conservation and investigate how other religious traditions can contribute to global sustainability efforts.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Role of Technology and Innovation on the New Economy Transformation 2025-03-27T14:45:04+00:00 Mary Wangui Mbugua <p><em>Economic transformation is the continuity movement of resources from low to higher productivity activity which is crucial for creating employment and a more robust economy where little attention has been paid. Technology and innovation play a vital role in new economic transformation. This study will explore the pivotal role of technology and innovation on the new economic transformation highlighting their impact on productivity, employment and global competitiveness. The purpose is to understand how technological advancements transform the economy. The objectives will be characterized by digitalization, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) and how they are redefining how businesses operate, government functions and individuals interact within the economies. This research seeks to identify the mechanisms through which technology will foster economic growth which will enhance productivity thereby generating new business models. Additionally, the study will analyse the role of technology and innovation in the transformation of the global economy discussing both theoretical perspectives and empirical findings to understand the opportunities and challenges posed by this new economic paradigm. The study theories included diffusion innovation theory and innovation theory. This study will employ an explanatory research design where case studies from different sectors will be analysed. The findings of the research outcomes will contribute to the literature on technology and innovation on the new economy transformation which will provide practical insights for organizations, leaders, policymakers, academicians and researchers who seek future research and interventions because of some of the challenges that may be posed. Additionally, the study will focus on future technological advancements and their impact on the new economic transformation. By understanding the role of technology and innovation in the new economy transformation, organizations can develop strategies that will foster economic growth and organizational productivity in order to transform the new economy. It is hypothesized that the role of technology and innovation will have a positive influence on the new economic transformation as the leaders and policymakers who will prioritize technology and innovation will improve on economic growth and organizational performance.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Resources and Performance Appraisal Implementation: A Case of Deposit Taking Saccos in Kiambu County, Kenya 2025-03-27T15:14:01+00:00 Mary Wanjiru Githaiga Hellen Mugambi Marion Kariuki <p><em>Performance appraisal implementation involves designing and executing methods and procedures for collecting, analyzing, and reviewing individual or team performance against predefined criteria or standards. This study sought to investigate the effect of resources on determinants of performance appraisal implementation, among Deposit- Taking Sacco’s in Kiambu County. &nbsp;The aim is to provide valuable feedback, make informed decisions about rewards, promotions, and development opportunities, and enhance overall organizational performance. This study sought to investigate the effect of resources on determinants of performance appraisal implementation, among Deposit -Taking Sacco’s in Kiambu County. The study was anchored on resource-based view theory, goal setting, and Schein’s model of organization.&nbsp; The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population of the study was the senior management staff of the 12 Deposit Taking SACCOS in Kiambu County including Chief Executive Officers managers and heads of departments at the head offices. This study employed a mixed methods approach by using both closed and open-ended questions to collect primary data.&nbsp;&nbsp; The study further employed a census method to gather data.&nbsp; A multiple linear regression model was used to assess the extent to which the independent variables affect the dependent variable.&nbsp; The researcher carried out a pilot test to check for the validity and reliability of the research instrument. The administered questionnaires tested reliable returning a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.7.&nbsp; The study targeted 84 respondents with 72 responding thus giving a response rate of 86 percent. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 and results were presented in tables and figures. From the findings, the study concludes that resources- significantly and positively affected the performance appraisal implementation of the deposit-taking Sacco in Kiambu. The study recommends that management of the deposit-taking Saccos in Kenya to ensure the availability of resources to implement appraisal. Further research was recommended to replicate a similar study across other financial institutions like commercial banks and microfinance institutions.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Influence of Income Diversification on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya 2025-03-27T15:20:44+00:00 Waweru J. Kimani William K. Sang Josphat. K Kinyanjui <p><em>Kenya's banking sector is vital to the nation's economic development since it acts as a vital intermediary between savers and borrowers. In an attempt to boost their financial performance, Kenyan commercial banks have been diversifying their sources of income, including non-interest and traditional interest income. Supervisory reports from the Central Bank of Kenya show that, despite these efforts, the sector's financial performance steadily worsened between 2013 and 2020, as seen by a declining return on assets. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of income diversification on the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. This research was based on the Resource-Based View theory. The study used a longitudinal descriptive research design and embraced a positivist philosophical perspective. Using a census approach, it examined secondary data from each of the 38 commercial banks that were operational in Kenya from 2013 to 2022. The study used the return on assets ratio to gauge financial success and the Hirschman-Herfindahl Index to gauge income diversification. Relationships between variables were examined using panel ordinary least square regression models.The results confirmed a significant positive relationship between </em><em>b</em><em>othinterest (β=0.224,p=0.00) andnon-interest(β</em><em>&nbsp;=0.609,p=0.00)income diversification and financial performance. The study concluded that income diversification enhances financial performance. The study recommends that policymakers implement measures that promote income diversification in the banking industry.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Impacts of Using Social Media in Promoting Public Health Initiatives: Systematic Literature Review 2025-03-27T15:27:37+00:00 Lisper Mokaya <p>The global adoption of social media has transformed how public health initiatives are communicated and implemented, hence offering new channels that reach diverse populations thereby driving engagement. Social media platforms like X, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have been largely utilized to promote public health campaigns on various issues ranging from awareness to mental health, vaccination, disease outbreak and advocacy. Previous research has focused on short term campaigns on metrics like shares, likes that do not capture fully the impact on actual health outcomes. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of utilizing social media in promoting public health initiatives and to assess how digital platforms can influence health behaviors, particularly during times of health crisis like pandemics. The study also examines the challenges in maintaining the credibility of public health information and mitigating the spread of misinformation. The study contributes to the growing theoretical field by expanding an understanding of the role of digital communication in the public health interventions. Policy makers can utilize the insights in the creation of regulations which maximize on the positive impacts of digital health communication while minimizing on its risks that include privacy concerns and misinformation. Social media can be effective in increasing public awareness and knowledge of health issues, especially, when the campaigns are tailored to particular target audiences and use interactive and engaging content. Public health campaigns that have been successful on social media leverage on user generated content, influencer partnerships and real time communication so as to foster community engagement. However, disparities like digital access disparities and misinformation limit the effectiveness of the campaigns.</p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Role of Technology-Based Branding Strategies in Enhancing and Promoting Brand Loyalty in Kenya's Public Sector 2025-03-27T15:34:18+00:00 Kiptum Kogo <p><em>This paper investigates the role of technology-based branding strategies in enhancing and promoting brand loyalty in Kenya's public sector. With the rapidly growing technological advancement, technology-driven branding is increasingly being leveraged in private and public sectors. For the former, the profit motive and market share considerations guide the scope of digital tools used in enhancing brand equity. Currently, various government Ministries, Commissions, and state corporations use social media, online service platforms, websites, and mobile applications in their portfolio of communication channels. However, the outcomes of the public sector's adoption of technology-driven branding have not been sufficiently studied, with much of the literature being centered on the private sector. Therefore, this paper provided a focused analysis that would generate insights into the nature and scale of technological impact in public sector branding. The study employed mixed-method research to address research questions that include the role of technology-driven branding in citizen engagement, service delivery, brand loyalty, and public perception. Regarding the primary data, the study relied on survey instruments administered to authoritative respondents from the sampled institutions. A sample of 181 respondents was utilized from a population of 330 with respect to the 21 ministries, 248 state corporations, 14 Commissions, and 47 county governments in the Republic of Kenya. Specifically, data collection involved the use of closed and structured questionnaires administered online through Qualtrics and analysed using statistical software and online analytic solutions. Additionally, the research reviewed literature on digital branding between the years 2010 and 2020 with variables relevant to both the private and public sectors. Key findings underscored the fact that technology-driven branding strategy and citizen behaviour have not been linked in the public sector. The findings were particularly important to policymakers in the formulation of communication policy, development of digital governance frameworks, and brand visibility.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Importance of Effective Corporate Communication in the Kenyan Banking Sector 2025-03-27T15:45:00+00:00 Miriam Bakhoya Obengo <p>Effective communication in the banking sector is crucial since it helps in building trust, adapting to changes, improving customer experience, compliance, and transparency. The aim of the study was to determine the importance of effective corporate communication in the Kenyan Banking sector. In Kenya, the banking industry continues to be more competitive due to the advancements in communication and information technology. To achieve the aim of the study, bank managers were interviewed on effective corporate communication. The context of the study was Nairobi County to ensure optimal utilization of resources and time. The study population was 1000 bank managers and a sample size 30% was determined (300). The results indicated that the majority of bank managers perceived that effective corporate communication improves performance. Further, it was found that the majority of bank managers value effective corporate communication as a corporate change strategy. Majority of the respondents perceived that effective corporate communication improves meeting stakeholders' needs, sustainability, and expands opportunities for banks. The findings contribute to revolutionizing policy and practice within the banking sector by providing insights on new theories of corporate identity, corporate reputation, and corporate image. These theories contribute to competitive advantage, strategy formulation, and political economy. In this context, the study emphasizes on the interaction of the banking business and the other environmental factors, such as the competitors, government, and the public.</p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Leveraging Collective Action for Reinvestment in Small-Scale Fisheries by Women in Blue Economic Space of Homa-Bay County, Kenya 2025-03-27T15:54:04+00:00 Patrick Asango Okanga <p><em>Can collective action drive reinvestment in small-scale fisheries by women? Given the increasing demand for quality livelihood, food and nutritional security, and poverty alleviation, there are calls for reinvestment in small-scale fisher enterprises by women. However, given the rapidly growing number of women players in the sector, and their accumulated expertise in the recent past, the study's objective is to leverage collective action by women for the reinvestment in small-scale fisheries in the blue economic space of Homa-bay County. Borrowing from social capital theory and applying a mixed method approach study design, data from a sample size of 330 from small-scale women fishers was scientifically obtained and analysed. Focus on common business challenges, participatory dialogue, beach management units, and affirmative action, were dimensions of collective action used in the analysis.&nbsp; The null hypothesis was put to the test. Findings were anchored on parametric and thematic analyses on the influence of collective action on the reinvestment of women-owned small-scale fisheries in the blue economic space of Homa-bay County. It was established that collective action had a statistically significant influence on reinvestment in the sector. Collective action explained 17.1% (R<sup>2</sup>=.171) variability in the reinvestment of small-scale fisheries, the model significance was reported by F (1,328) 67.752, p&lt;0.05, and β= .272, p&lt;0.05 which implied that a unit increase in collective action results into .272 units change in reinvestment. Small-scale fisheries space in the blue growth trajectory in the Lake-Victoria region of Homa-bay County in Kenya is scientifically established and therefore concluded that collective action has the potential to enhance reinvestment in the sector, improve household livelihood and address the women's poverty challenges.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Transformative Role of Technological Innovation in Reshaping Business Communication Practices and Strategies 2025-03-27T16:01:09+00:00 Patrick Waititu <p><em>In the rapidly evolving landscape of the new economy, the integration of research, technology, and innovation has become a cornerstone for driving sustainable development. This paper examines the transformative role of technological innovation in reshaping business practices and communication strategies, focusing on how these advancements contribute to a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive economic framework. The new economy, characterized by the pervasive influence of digitalization, automation, and the growing importance of knowledge-based industries, necessitates that businesses embrace innovative technologies to remain competitive and foster long-term sustainability. Technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and advanced communication tools, are revolutionizing traditional business models by enhancing operational efficiency, reducing costs, and minimizing environmental impacts. These innovations enable businesses to develop more sustainable practices while improving communication with stakeholders, fostering transparency, and facilitating collaboration. As a result, the synergy between business innovation, technology adoption, and communication strategies not only drives economic growth but also supports broader sustainable development goals. These include promoting inclusive growth, reducing social and economic inequalities, and addressing pressing environmental challenges. However, realizing the full potential of these innovations in the new economy requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach. This paper highlights the need for a robust framework that promotes research and development, encourages the widespread adoption of emerging technologies, and ensures that innovation efforts are closely aligned with sustainable development objectives. Governments, private sector entities, and academic institutions must work together to create an enabling environment that supports technological advancement and its application in business and communication. By fostering such collaboration, the new economy can be harnessed as a powerful force for achieving sustainable development, ensuring that economic progress is both inclusive and environmentally responsible.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Assessing Community Partnership for Sustainable Development of Kenya Government Efforts on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 2025-03-27T16:07:25+00:00 Paul Mwaura Wanderi <p><em>Many countries the world over have faced hard economic times occasioned by many factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, wars, climate change, and poor policy decisions by the leadership, among other factors. With these hard realities, it is becoming complicated to single-handedly implement development programmes for the citizens' benefit without building the necessary stakeholder partnerships both locally and abroad. Community partnership has a greater impact on sustainable development, as recognized by goal 17 of the United Nations Development Goals, which aims to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. This study aimed to assess the local community partnership on the efforts of the Kenyan government towards mitigating climate change outcomes, establishing efficiency, and identifying existing gaps. The specific objectives were to assess the current community partnership strategies on climate change mitigation and adaptation, to examine some of the benefits of Community partnerships for Climate Change mitigation and adaptation, and to determine the challenges of community partnerships for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Key findings are that many strategies, such as community uptake of climate-resilient technology, use of indigenous knowledge on climate change, and establishment and enforcement of policies, were noted to be important in dealing with climate change. Some of the benefits of community partnerships are awareness, participation in decision-making, and the sustainability of local projects. Challenges revealed by the study include poor and incoherent policies that guide climate change mitigation, partnership gaps between the government and local communities, poor funding, and minimal resource allocation toward mitigating climate change. Some of the recommendations suggested by this study are to strengthen national policies, community partnerships, and funding allocations to better climate change mitigation actions.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Is Green Transformational Leadership the Panacea to Environmental Challenges in Africa? A Systematic Review of Literature 2025-03-27T16:11:48+00:00 Tabithah Wanjiru K. Kimani Daniel M. Nzengya <p><em>Modern organizations have developed ambitious environmental goals, but there is a gap between espoused goals and actual environmental practices and outcomes. Green transformational leadership (GTL) is viewed as one of the strategies that organizations can use to translate environmental goals into green outcomes. However, the literature examining the outcomes of green transformational leadership is fragmented and disjointed. This study sought to conduct a systematic review of studies on GTL outcomes for purposes of synthesis and presenting them on a single platform. A search was conducted on EBSCOhost that yielded 141 results out of which 36 articles made it to the final review. The analysis revealed that the majority of the studies on GTL have been conducted in Southeast Asia and focus on employee green behaviour as the outcome. Other outcomes include green creativity, green performance, and green resilience. The analysis reveals that the majority of studies utilize a quantitative approach predominantly employing cross-sectional designs, with a significant emphasis on identifying mediating and moderating factors that shape this relationship. Based on these findings, the review recommends a diversification of research methodologies to incorporate longitudinal, experimental and qualitative approaches to enhance understanding of GTL outcomes. The paucity of research on GTL within the African continent raises questions regarding the commitment of African countries towards the realization of sustainable development goals (SDGs). There is need to explore GTL in regions currently underrepresented in the literature, particularly the East African context, to gain insights into local practices and challenges. </em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 A Comparative Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Learning and In-Class Learning in Kenyan Universities 2025-03-27T16:18:56+00:00 Thomas N. Kariuki Paul Ruto Ruth W. Gichanga Hesborn Wainaina <p><em>This study presents a comparative analysis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) learning and traditional in-class learning in Kenyan universities, focusing on learning outcomes, student engagement, and accessibility. The study was conducted across six universities—three public and three private—and the study involved 424 undergraduate students and 35 instructors, utilizing a mixed-methods approach. Quantitative data from surveys and performance records were complemented by qualitative insights from interviews and focus group discussions. The results revealed that students using AI learning platforms outperformed those in traditional settings, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, with AI learners achieving an average score of 78.4% compared to 72.9% for in-class learners. Engagement levels were also higher among AI learners, who reported more frequent interaction with learning materials and instructors, especially during asynchronous sessions. However, significant challenges were identified in terms of accessibility, especially in rural universities where unstable internet and a lack of digital infrastructure hindered AI adoption. In contrast, in-class learning was more accessible in these regions but faced issues of overcrowded classrooms and limited resources. The study suggests that while AI learning offers significant advantages in terms of personalization and flexibility, a blended learning model combining both AI and in-class methods may provide the most effective educational experience. This model could address the strengths and limitations of each approach, especially in addressing the digital divide and fostering critical thinking. The findings suggest policy reforms to improve digital infrastructure, promote instructor training, and ensure inclusive access to AI-driven education in Kenyan universities.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Influence of Social Media on Corporate Reputation 2025-03-27T16:37:03+00:00 Hortensiah Nyawira Kamau <p><em>Public, private and other types of organizations, recognize the important role corporate reputation plays in ensuring good relations with stakeholders because it presents a favourable image of the organisation. In the recent past, the increased use of social media has resulted in both positive and negative reputational risks and the key question in regard to this becomes: What is the perceptions of stakeholders on the organisation or what it offers to the market? &nbsp;To answer this question, a literature review was undertaken under the title; An examination of the influence of social media on the corporate reputation of organisations in Kenya. An analysis of various case studies and empirical research done by other scholars led to a set of proposals that organisations can employ to build on their online corporate reputation. The study adopted content analysis of the existing literature and data was collected from published peer-reviewed online articles authored by Kenyan authors through online publications found in databases of ResearchGate and Google Scholar. &nbsp;The abroad review eventually narrowed down to 10 articles published between 2015 and 2024. Relevant keywords guided the search and established that social media has become an integral part of organisational communication with potential positive or negative impact on corporate reputation. In some instances, social media causes a loss of customer loyalty or organisational legitimacy, amongst other things. On the other hand, it may be a platform for the publication of organisational achievements and customer attachment to the products sold to them. Additionally, the review offered insights into the importance of employees as key organisational brand ambassadors, analysing social media content to enable organisations to make informed decisions and retain a positive corporate reputation. The findings led to the recommendation that social media can be used to improve corporate image as long as there are policies and strategic engagements with stakeholders. Additionally, future researchers can investigate and bridge the gap in the role of social media influencers on corporate reputation. </em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 An Analysis of Community Engagement through Community Radio during the Covid-19 Pandemic amongst Select Communities in Kenya 2025-03-27T16:40:34+00:00 Susan Mwangi Gladys Muasya Wanjugu Wachira <p><em>This study aims to investigate the kind of messages that were disseminated by community radio stations about the Covid-19 pandemic, the audience’s perception towards this information and their confidence in the interventions and control measures that were propagated by these stations. The Health Belief Model was used to inform the study as it focuses on effective health communication that advocates for behaviour change through the provision of information. This study was conducted in two Sifa FM community radio stations in Kenya that is Sifa FM Voi and Sifa FM Marsabit. Data were collected through interview guides, questionnaires, document review and content analysis on radio programmes and advertisements. The target population consisted of the programme developers and hosts of the selected radio stations, their listeners and their radio programmes. Purposive sampling was used to select 12 participants as the KIIs, who included 10 community leaders and two station managers, while random sampling was used to select 100 listeners from Voi in Taita Taveta County and 100 from Marsabit County. A few Covid-19 related programmes were also sampled. The open-ended questions were analyzed using content analysis and the interviews using thematic analysis. The results indicated that the radio stations played a significant role in disseminating COVID-19 related messages through various programmes and that the audience perceived the messages to be informative, especially with regard to preventive measures, transmission of the disease and the symptoms of the disease. This study uses the constructs of HBM as a guide to explain how people changed their behaviour towards behaviour that limited the spread of Covid-19. The study concludes that HBM can be used to study the Covid-19 situation. It suggests that community radio was an appropriate tool that was used to mitigate misinformation and to help the community in selecting healthy behaviours.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Exploring the Potential of Digital Technology in Addressing Youth Unemployment in Africa: A Scoping Review of Literature 2025-03-27T16:47:04+00:00 Neema Mariette Mwesha Peter Koome Teresia Wamuyu Wachira <p><em>Youth unemployment remains a critical issue across Africa, exacerbated by technological advances, labour market shifts, and economic constraints. This scoping review examines the role of digital technology in addressing youth unemployment in Africa, focusing on the development of digital skills, the role of digital platforms in entrepreneurship, and the potential for digital technology to transform key sectors. A total of 20 studies were included, spanning from 2019 to 2024, with a focus on Nigeria, South Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The findings indicate that digital skills development enhances employability, with digital platforms fostering youth entrepreneurship by providing access to new markets and self-employment opportunities. However, challenges such as limited infrastructure, poor government support, and the digital divide in rural areas persist. Additionally, while digital technology offers numerous opportunities, it also poses the risk of job displacement for low-skilled workers. This review highlights gaps in the literature, including a lack of longitudinal studies and an under-exploration of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence in job creation. Policymakers should prioritize investments in digital infrastructure and inclusive education to bridge the digital divide and ensure that African youth can benefit from the digital economy.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Information Security Risk Management in Small Business Enterprises (SMES) 2025-03-27T16:54:57+00:00 Nicholus Mitende Nyapete John Muhoho Kimani John Muhoho <p><em>The desire to optimize organizational processes such as planning, control, communication, and collaboration is a significant driver for business enterprises, especially SMEs, to invest in Information Technology (IT). IT investments contribute to improved operational efficiency, financial management, flexibility, and agility, providing a competitive edge in the market. SMEs particularly invest in IT to facilitate new partnerships and collaborations through electronic linkages, enabling them to overcome barriers and enhance business performance. However, IT investments in SMEs face numerous challenges, including insufficient resources, lack of time for implementation, poor IT staff expertise, and inadequate management commitment. Inadequate IT investments often result in Information Security (IS) breaches, leading to significant financial and non-financial losses. Non-financial losses included damage to reputation, product piracy, and theft of critical business information. Effective Information Security Risk Management Investment (ISRMI) is essential for ensuring long-term competitiveness and survival, guiding the selection of security measures to protect IT assets while ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. However, existing literature lacks guidance on effective ISRMI strategies, focusing primarily on the implementation of ISRM approaches rather than the economics of security investment. This research aimed to explore the ISRMI strategies adopted by SMEs within Nairobi’s Central Business District, based on SMEs that have implemented ISRM programs, through a review of literature and interviews with information security experts.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Relationship between Career Development and Employee Performance in the Banking Sector in Kenya 2025-03-27T16:59:29+00:00 Solomon Ngari James Mwangi George Gachuru <p><em>The study investigated the link between career development and employee performance in Kenya's banking sector. It highlighted the importance of understanding factors that enhance employee performance for organizational goals and competitiveness. Career development can impact employee motivation, job satisfaction, and overall performance. The aim was to understand how career development initiatives influence employee performance, providing insights to optimize human resource management practices in the banking sector.</em> <em>The study involved 127 Kenyan commercial bank employees, collected through structured questionnaires. The research focused on career development practices like professional training, career progression opportunities, mentoring, and performance feedback. The study used regression analysis and diagnostic tests to determine the relationship between career development and employee performance, aiming to understand the strength and direction of this relationship.</em> <em>Diagnostic tests were conducted to assess the regression model's robustness, revealing no significant multicollinearity in the independent variables using the Variance Inflation Factor.</em> <em>The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test confirmed normality of data, while the Breusch-Pagan test confirmed heteroskedasticity, indicating no issues with variance instability. </em><em>Lastly, the Breusch-Godfrey test confirmed the absence of serial correlation in the model, allowing the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis to be used.</em> <em>The study revealed a strong positive correlation between career development and employee performance. It suggested that practices like training programs, career advancement opportunities, and mentoring can significantly improve employee performance. Employees who feel supported in their career development are more motivated, committed, and productive. Career development has the most significant impact on performance. The study's focus on the Kenyan banking sector provided valuable insights into the importance of investing in human capital development for organizational outcomes. It suggested that banking institutions should prioritize career development programs to improve employee engagement and performance. The study also recommended that policymakers in the banking sector create frameworks to incentivize and support career development initiatives.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Podcasts as the New Radio: Shaping the Future of Storytelling 2025-03-27T17:07:12+00:00 Alfred Mombo Mbai <p><em>The rise of podcasts has transformed the audio-visual landscape, positioning it as a modern equivalent of the traditional radio and reshaping the art of storytelling. The purpose of this study was to explore how podcasts are redefining narrative structures and engaging listeners in innovative ways. This research aimed to analyze the shift in audience consumption patterns from radio to podcasts and examine the ways podcasts have expanded creative possibilities for storytellers. It also sought to investigate the cultural, technological, and economic factors driving the popularity of podcasts as a storytelling medium. The study adopts a mixed-method approach, collecting quantitative data from 100 podcast listeners and qualitative data from 10 podcast creators. The findings are organized according to gender, age, academic qualifications, and work experience. The findings reveal that podcasts have created room for greater interactivity between podcast creators and listeners and widened the room for creativity in content production and storytelling, in turn fostering deeper connections with the audience. Podcasts are also more accessible in urban areas compared to rural areas due to the digital divide, hence ensuring that radio continues to be the preferred source for news and audio entertainment. This study offers insights for creators, communication practitioners, and marketers on leveraging podcasting as a tool for brand storytelling and community building. For policymakers, the study underscores the need for updated frameworks that address media regulation in the context of digital audio-visual platforms. Universally, this study contributes to the world of knowledge by advancing the understanding of podcasting as a distinct and evolving form of digital storytelling. </em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mediating Role of Competitive Intensity on the Relationship between Revenue Diversification and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya 2025-03-27T17:12:55+00:00 J. Waweru Kimani William K Sang Josphat. K Kinyanjui. <p>Intense rivalry, technical developments, regulatory changes, and changes in the global financial <em>landscape have all contributed to the growth of Kenya's banking industry. Kenyan banks have been diversifying their revenue streams beyond interest income in an effort to improve their financial performance (FP). Despite these efforts, the industry's financial performance steadily declined between 2013 and 2020, as seen by falling returns on assets (ROA), according to supervisory reports from the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK). The relationship between revenue diversification and FP is significantly influenced by the level of market competition. The aim of this study was to </em><em>investigate the mediating role of competitive intensity on the relationship between income diversification and FP.</em> <em>This study was based on the Resource-Based View theory and employed a positivist philosophical framework. </em><em>Using the census technique, the study examined secondary data from all Kenyan commercial banks that were in operation from 2013 to 2022. The study employed the Hirschman-Herfindahl Index to measure income diversification while the composite market share index represented competitive intensity. Panel ordinary least square regression models were employed in the study's longitudinal descriptive research design to examine the relationships between the variables. Competitive intensity was found to partially mediate the relationship between income diversification and financial performance (β<sub>1 </sub>= .294, p = .00, β<sub>2</sub> = .548, p = .00).&nbsp; The study concluded that the effect of income diversification on financial performance is not direct but is transmitted through competitive intensity. By promoting a healthy competitive environment that rewards innovation and efficiency, policymakers can indirectly enhance firms' </em><em>FP</em><em> through diversified revenue streams.</em><em> Future research could build on the existing findings</em><em> by including other institutions in the financial sector and employing different metrics for the variables.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 New Venture Survival Challenges in Kenya: Does Business Incubation Help? 2025-03-27T17:22:03+00:00 James Mwangi Njau Anita Wanjugu Wachira Lilian Karimi Mwenda <p><em>Small enterprises face a myriad of challenges that include; lack of access to finance, especially long-term finance, cannot benefit from scale economies, constraints in process and product innovation, difficulties in accessing tangible and intangible resources and limited access to scientific knowledge all of which very much pronounced in new ventures. </em><em>Therefore, this study sought to explore new venture survival challenges in incubated technology-based new ventures in Kenya. The literature review reveals knowledge gaps in the new venture survival research findings and the empirical evidence on the effect of business incubation on new venture Survival. The </em><em>study was informed by the Logic Business incubator Model by Hackett and Dilts (2004). Given the research objective, a descriptive research design was appropriate for this study. A total of 9 incubators and 364 incubatees from Nairobi Metropolitan were involved in the study. From the business incubators, stratified random sampling was applied to obtain a sample size of 182 incubatees. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from the incubatees while an interview schedule collected qualitative data from the incubation managers. The quantitative was analyzed using the SPSS tool; version 25 which generated both descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson’s correlation coefficient indicated the magnitude of the relationship between business incubation and new venture survival, with a positive correlation; r=0.487, p&lt;0.05. Bivariate regression analysis indicated that business incubation had a statistically significant effect on new venture survival, with the beta coefficients; β = 0.607, p&lt;0.05). The qualitative data was analyzed using a qualitative analysis process. The analysis indicated that the majority of the incubator managers averred that high product acceptability and market consolidation had a great influence on new venture survival. &nbsp;Business </em><em>incubators that support entrepreneurial and small business development were found to produce higher tenant survival rates. </em><em>Therefore, this study recommends that the business incubator's value proposition should strengthened to address the new venture survival challenges in Kenya. The business incubators </em><em>need to model business support services that encompass the four elements of business support; business coaching, training, business plan support and provision of subsidies.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 X Space and the Revolution of Digital News Content: The Case of Generation-Z Protest Narratives in Kenya 2025-03-27T17:32:02+00:00 Lydia Ouma Radoli Anne Anjao Eboi Daniel Robert Aswani Raphael Ogutu Nakhumbi <p><em>The power of digital media in Kenya has been demonstrated in the active social engagement and production of news discourse during the recent Generation-Z (Gen-Z) political activism on X Space. The discourse confirms a growing mass participation in news discourse on digital media taking precedence over legacy media. In the age of disruptive technologies, and the production of social-political discourses, an active, critical and content-producing mass is quickly surpassing traditionally assumed passive audience. In Kenya, amid a digital media frenzy over the Gen-Z protests, citizen journalism overrides legacy journalism, and in some cases, raw footage captured at points of witness is uploaded online without as much censorship. The paper applied qualitative in-depth interviews of eight journalists to assess the Gen-Z political activism and production of discourses on X Space. Theories of disruptive technologies were juxtaposed against the agenda-setting theory to identify the positive effects of digital narratives, including facilitating activism, active youth engagement in news discourse and social change. The study found out that a new form of youth activism has emerged, with the youth fruitfully engaging in X Space discourses, which culminate in actual street protests; Digital storytelling represents a powerful fusion of technology and social consciousness, where the young people project their voices of concern; Citizen journalism has fundamentally altered the dynamics of traditional journalism, reshaping the way news is gathered, reported, and consumed; and that during the protests, </em><em>mainstream media played catch-up as it struggled to keep up with the many discourses emerging from X Spaces. The study recommends that traditional media aim to fully align with the opportunities presented in disruptive innovative developments; and that the Kenyan media grab the opportunity to re-evaluate their approach to gathering and disseminating news in the modern age for sustainable business and to maintain their important agenda-setting and gatekeeping roles.</em></p> 2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025