Emerging Trends in ICT, E-Democracy and E-Governance


Julius Sirma
Tabitha Kihara


The advancement in ICT has expanded opportunities for citizens to participate in development processes
including governance. ICT speeds up the flow of information and knowledge between the government and
citizens and transforming the way in which government and citizens interact. As a result of these emerging
trends, citizens are now also able to participate in processes such as national and local budget preparation
and even demand for accountability on resource utilization. The e-governance systems provide the
government with increased insight into complex issues and offers opportunities to re-structure existing
decision-making processes. This paper outlines how emerging trends in ICT, e-democracy and e-governance
have made it possible to attain inclusive, transparent, effective and efficient governance through reviewing
Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) in government ministries in Kenya. It further
discusses how the country can utilize the existing ICT avenues and analyses how effective they are in
promoting inclusive and smart growth.
Keywords: E-democracy, E-governance, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


How to Cite
Sirma, J., & Kihara, T. (2023). Emerging Trends in ICT, E-Democracy and E-Governance. African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research, 205–213. Retrieved from https://journals.spu.ac.ke/index.php/amjr/article/view/198